An H&R Block Client Transferred In Today. Nice Story.

An H&R Block client came in today with my 50% off flyer. He was a single guy with a house. I asked him how much H&R Block charged him to do his taxes last year and he said $275. I told him that he had a choice, he could use his 50% flyer and pay me $137.50 or he could pay me the $110 my regular clients pay. As I was working on his return, I realized that he did not need to itemize. I looked at him and said “I hate to tell you this, but I am only going to be charging you $70″. When I finished, he asked me how much he owed the IRS. He grinned ear to ear when I told him he was getting a full refund. He was worried because he was already on a payment plan with the IRS and his collection officer said that if he owed any more that they were going to have to rewrite his payment plan.

My Flyers are in my Facebook Photos sections.
They were posted January 10, 2014 on my Google+ page.

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