Medical Lien And Bankruptcy

Question: Can you file bankruptcy on medical bills that have liens in them?
I had a accident, my ex lawyer sent me to doctors and so on. Where I live they put liens on medical bills. My lawsuit was dropped now have all these medical bills I can’t afford to pay

Answer: Filing bankruptcy will discharge your medical debt, even medical debt associated with a lien. As a result, if you file for bankruptcy protection, and receive no money for your accident case, you will not be responsible for the medical bills you incurred as a result of that accident case. All the liens do is assure the healthcare providers that if you recover money from the accident, they will be paid. However, the lien is only as valuable as the underlying case. If you do not recover, then they have liened on nothing. You would ordinarily still be liable for the bills, but bankruptcy solves that problem. I am surprised that there are so many medical liens on your auto accident case. We usually do not see so many.

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